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The Twelve Tissue Salt & Their Combinations
The cell salts may be obtained from normal homoeopathic pharmacies in any potency, but they are also commonly available in the 6x potenc potency with a wide range of action and is the most generally used for these salts. However, as with all homoeopathic remedies, the more th provings of the remedy the higher the potency which may be used.
There are many Combinations of the Cell Salts on the market, sold for different conditions and denoted by a letter e.g. Combination A, Comb at the present time is New Era Laboratories. Combinations have their place, but the student should learn to be as specific and accurate in pre combination is made up of each of the twelve cell salts and this is sold as a general tonic. It is not a cure for all ills as it is incapable of stimulating direction to bring about the required results.
For homeopathic consultation see the page on homeopathy



CENTRES OF ACTION: Skin, nails, connective tissue, walls of blood vessels. The key word to remember this remedy by is 'Elasticity', as it tones up body tissue, helping that which does not expand and contra Soft Tissue (1) Skin- Given throughout the growing period of Pregnancy (6x b.d.) it will prevent stretch marks by feeding the body with what it it will enable the body to resume its normal shape. It may also be used as part of a course of treatment if someone is losing weight (2) Veins that sag, in conjunction with any more specific remedies. Think of Calc. Fluor. for varicose veins and piles. (3) Prolapsed organs. Calc fluor. works well with Nux vomica and Sepia in this. Its effectiveness will of course depend upon the sev (4) Receding, bleeding gums and loose teeth. (5) Constipation or diarrhoea due to a lack of bowel tone. Hard tissue Decay of the enamel of teeth, Bony tumours, Hard swellings, Hard glands, Hard styes, Gum-boils. Cracks in the skin, where elastici Chaps, Splits between fingers and toes, behind ears, Anal and other fissures. If a person is continually needing Calc. fluor., add the occasional Silica 6x which augments its action.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Liver, Kidneys and connective tissue. This remedy is a cleanser of the Liver and helps abstract water and destroy worn out red blood cells. If these red blood cells are not withdraw (Natrum sulph. does the same with white blood cells and so the two remedies go together well) This is a good remedy to take, therefore, for those on a cleansing diet.
HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT Discharges from the eyes, nose and throat with inflammation. Head colds and catarrh. Acne in younger people. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Ulcerated conditions of the alimentary tract with flatulence and inmdigestion. BOWEL MOVEMENTS Irregular, with discharges of pus and mucous. URINE Ulceration of the male sexual organs with painful micturition accompanied by blood or pus or both.
SKIN Boils, acne and all forms of pustules discharging blood or pus. It was Dr. Blackie's main remedy for acne with small yellow pustules.
GENERAL Enlarged prostate in the male with abscess. Old standing gonorrhoeal discharge. Inflammation of the breasts in the female during formation of pus in the various mucous membranes, the lung cavities, etc. This is the remedy for all forms of discharge. It hastens the discharge from the organism of all decaying organic matter and helps in cleaning will quickly deal with discharges of pus and close up the site of discharge by preventing the disintegration of tissue which takes place so rea usual potency is 6x.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Skin, nails, connective tissue, walls of blood vessels. The key word to remember this remedy by is 'Elasticity', as it tones up body tissue, helping that which does not expand and contra Soft Tissue (1) Skin- Given throughout the growing period of Pregnancy (6x b.d.) it will prevent stretch marks by feeding the body with what it it will enable the body to resume its normal shape. It may also be used as part of a course of treatment if someone is losing weight (2) Veins that sag, in conjunction with any more specific remedies. Think of Calc. Fluor. for varicose veins and piles. (3) Prolapsed organs. Calc fluor. works well with Nux vomica and Sepia in this. Its effectiveness will of course depend upon the sev (4) Receding, bleeding gums and loose teeth. (5) Constipation or diarrhoea due to a lack of bowel tone. Hard tissue Decay of the enamel of teeth, Bony tumours, Hard swellings, Hard glands, Hard styes, Gum-boils. Cracks in the skin, where elastici Chaps, Splits between fingers and toes, behind ears, Anal and other fissures. If a person is continually needing Calc. fluor., add the occasional Silica 6x which augments its action.


CENTRES OF ACTION: All the tissues of the body and in particular the haemoglobin. Ferrum phos. is the oxygen carrier from the lungs to the blood stream. It is the biochemic first-aid and may be used for the first sign of infla sore throats and the first signs of colds. There are throbbing pains, nosebleeds and anaemia. The remedy increases bodily development and appetite. Due to its general tonic 'pick me up' effect it is probably best not to give the remedy late at night. Ferrum phos. will often stop bleeding, and the tablets may be ground into powder and sprinkled externally on a cut. (Calendula) There may be Rheumatic pains in the joints with acute muscular pains on moving and general stiffness in the limbs and back. Varicocele in t womb in the female with irregular periods of bright red colour.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Essential for the manufacture of Fibrin. This remedy is the great cleanser of the system and will help with digestion especially after fatty foods. There may be chronic flatulence with poor appetite and abdominal pains. Pale and clay coloured stool with constipation. It is a remedy for the secondary stage of inflammation and 'it's' complaints when one goes from the throbbing of Ferrum phos. to the aching secondary stage of childrens diseases after Ferrum phos. and will help with catarrh, especially oozing whitish discharge from any part of the Catarrh which goes to the ears will be helped by this remedy and it may be tried in many cases of blocked Eustachian tubes. Some people have found it very effective to relieve the ear pain which comes as a result of air travel, when it may be given at very frequent in
HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT Thick coated tongue (fibrin due to deficiency of pot. chloride and oxygen). Sore eyes with mattery lids. Swollen tonsils.
HEART Palpitation with tendency to blood clotting. After a stroke it may be used 6x with Arnica for a few weeks to minimise the possibility of further
URINE Discharge of thick slimy mucous with dark coloured urine. Very painful micturition.


CENTRES OF ACTION: All nervous tissue and the entire nervous system. The function of this salt in the body is to feed and tone up the grey
EMOTIONS Neurasthenic, depressed, irritable and anxious with impatience and general nervousness. The student should study all that is written about this remedy in his/her materia medica as it will be found suitable for many of today's disea and worry. Many ailments resulting from a nervous state will respond to it.
HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT Nerve pains in the head, nose bleeding, ulcerated mouth and coated tongue.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Flatulence, artificial appetite and always hungry after meals.
BOWEL MOVEMENTS Colitis, dysentery and general diarrhoea.
HEART Feeble and irregular pulse with palpitation.
SKIN Dry withered skin with irritation.
URINE Frequent desire to urinate with hot burning sensations.
GENERAL Tendency to miscarriage in the female. Abnormal sexual desire in the male. Rheumatic pains, especially in the legs with difficulty in walking It should be remembered however, that the cause for all the above is to be found in the nervous system. This is the supreme remedy for all nervous disorders, gangrenous conditions, etc. and this salt will act as a powerful antiseptic as well as a p of great stress. It may also be called the Anticancerous cell salt. It is useful in such varying conditions as chilblains and paralysis.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Essential for the manufacture of Fibrin. This remedy is the great cleanser of the system and will help with digestion especially after fatty foods. There may be chronic flatulence with poor appetite and abdominal pains. Pale and clay coloured stool with constipation. It is a remedy for the secondary stage of inflammation and 'it's' complaints when one goes from the throbbing of Ferrum phos. to the aching secondary stage of childrens diseases after Ferrum phos. and will help with catarrh, especially oozing whitish discharge from any part of the Catarrh which goes to the ears will be helped by this remedy and it may be tried in many cases of blocked Eustachian tubes. Some people have found it very effective to relieve the ear pain which comes as a result of air travel, when it may be given at very frequent in
HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT Thick coated tongue (fibrin due to deficiency of pot. chloride and oxygen). Sore eyes with mattery lids. Swollen tonsils.
HEART Palpitation with tendency to blood clotting. After a stroke it may be used 6x with Arnica for a few weeks to minimise the possibility of further
URINE Discharge of thick slimy mucous with dark coloured urine. Very painful micturition.
SKIN Skin eruptions with white mattery discharge or dry scaling skin. Chronic dandruff. Often helpful for the oozing exudation of eczema. Conside stage is passed. Swelling of the glands under the arms and in the groins. Swelling of the testicles in the male and leucorrhoea in the female, again with a whit
GENERAL USES This remedy can be used in many cases where there is thick white discharge. It is useful in all secondary fevers and in fact wh in all cases of fibrinous exudations. The most useful potency generally is 12x.


CENTRES OF ACTION: All the fluid tissues of the body. This remedy is concerned with the distribution of body liquid and will be useful in many conditions of dryness or wateriness. For instance, it catarrhs, the watery stage of colds, hayfever and watery vesicular conditions. Also many cases of oedema will be helped by this remedy with common salt demonstrates the value of potency. Where a person craves salt or has a salt dyscrasia from an excessive intake this remedy sho too salty or where there has been salt loss (e.g. after sunstroke, excessive perspiration or loss of vital fluids) think of this salt. Dry conditions leading to constipation, cracks in the skin or lips (also Calc. Fluor.) will often respond.
NOSE AND THROAT. Headaches, frothing at the mouth, watery eyes. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Indigestion with a constant desire for salty and highly spiced food. BOWEL MOVEMENTS. Diarrhoea with watery stools or constipation and dryness. HEART. Palpitation with poor circulation and rapid pulse. URINE. Burning pains in passing urine, with mucous and watery secretions. SKIN. Very dry skin and often a condition of herpes. The remedy may also be used externally for insect bites. GENERAL Weak feeling generally with not enough energy to walk. Swellings at the ankles and in the soft tissues of the body. GENERAL USES. This is the remedy for all mucous membranes and will cure catarrhal conditions with clear watery discharges. Hay fevers, gastro enteritis and widely differing range of potencies.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Nerves, brain and blood, as well as muscles. The keyword for this remedy is "Acidity". Nat. Phos. will help to neutralise an acid constitution, e.g. (1) Too much uric acid for the kidneys to deal with may crystallise and cause such problems as gout and kidney stones. These may be manife knees, ankles and balls of the feet. An excess acid in the blood may cause pains in the joints and muscles of unknown cause of the rheumati (2) Worms thrive in an acid constitution. Change their habitat and the worms go. After using Cina 200 or Teucrium 3x for the threadworms (s (3) Fats and fatty oils from food are decomposed by alkali's in the intestines, so with an acid constitution there is poor assimilation of fats an vomiting of sour fluids, morning sickness, sour breath, an acid or coppery taste in the mouth, a yellow coated tongue, flatulence, nausea, he
(4) Stools containing fatty acids and urine which is acidic cause nappy rash. Nat. phos. 6x internally, with Nelson's Burn Ointment will often p There maybe an acidic temperament with the patient being Nervy, sensitive and "touchy"; unable to sleep. If the mind is chuntering unable to remedy can facilitate this and therefore, enable sleep. To summarize, This cell salt is the great antacid of the body and is useful in cases of gallstones, bilious attacks, gout and in all gastric condit foods (particularly animal fats). It is also an anthelmintic and is valuable in other affections of the intestinal tract.
The 3x potency is used for antacid purposes but in cases such as gallstones, use the low potency with occasional doses of very high trituration


CENTRES OF ACTION: The intercellular fluids. As the function of Natrum Mur is to distribute body fluids, so the purpose of Natrum Sulph is the eradication of excess body fluids. The two r of oedema. An important related modality is an aggravation from damp and many conditions such as asthma < damp will benefit from this r follows Thuja well and continues its action. EMOTIONS. Irritable, with suicidal tendencies. Despondent after any injury, especially to the head. HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT. Throbbing and burning sensations in the head, also burning of the eyes and inflammation of the eyelids. Yellow complexion with bitter taste DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Sickness, with pains in the liver area. BOWEL MOVEMENTS. Diarrhoea with flatulence and greenish yellow stools. HEART. Pressure in the heart region with some palpitation. URINE. Frequent micturation with a sediment of brownish colour. SKIN. Dry, cracked skin with watery discharges. GENERAL. Hydrocele in the male and irregular profuse periods in the female. Involuntary twitching of the muscles. Pains of a neuralgic type in the joints GENERAL USES. This cell salt is very valuable in cases of mental despondency and for liver and kidney disorders as well as for blood diseases such as leukae Nat. Sulph. as well as hydrocele, also for sickness in pregnancy in the female. It is also indicated for gouty and dropsical affections. 10x to 12x are the most usual potencies. Descending potencies or Higher potencies may be indicated.


CENTRES OF ACTION: Hair, skin, nails and bone tissue. HEAD,NOSE AND THROAT. Loss of hair with skin eruptions of the scalp. Ulcerations of the eyes with nasal catarrh. Gum boils and small ulcers in the mouth. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Heartburn and chronic indigestion, worse after meals. Helps the assimilation of food in badly nourished people. BOWEL MOVEMENTS. Constipation with offensive stools. There is inertia as they lack the vitality to pass a stool. SKIN. Hot and damp with offensive perspiration, particularly under the arms. Hot offensive perspiring feet.
GENERAL. Irritation of the spinal region, cracked nipples in the female, weak ankles, neuritic pains with gouty joints. Many cases of fungus infections wi ingrowing toe nails. Tooth abscesses especially after extraction (Day one give Calendula 30 BD, then Pyrogen 6 TDS for 2 days, then Silica eit infections (Staphyloccocal is Hepar Sulph.) Suppurations that won't heal due to insufficient vitality. (Silica is more superficial, Hepar Sulph dee tissue). This remedy has been of great value in tumours of the breast in the female and for chronic prostatitis in the male. it will hasten the c older people, but should not be taken for more than two months without a break. It is a great remedy for bronchitis and phthisis as well as c that biochemically the older one gets, the more silicea is needed by the body for its proper function. It is a remedy which is perhaps best avoided if a person has had any artificial implants or active T.B. as it will facilitate the person to eradicat be released into the system. Constitutionally this remedy, like Calc. Carb, may be chronic of Belladonna. The person is chilly, lacking vital he staying power. It is a remedy often used for children and should be studied in the materia medica's under the emotional rubrics with children


CENTRES OF ACTION Nerve and muscle tissue.
As Kali phos is for the grey matter of the brain, so this salt is for the white nerve fibres. It is a vitaliser of muscular tissue acting through the paralysis, without marked pathology, may respond. Pains are > Warmth , firm pressure, bending double and rubbing and < for cold, right sided and < light touch. The pains of menstrual colic are often > hot water bottle > pressure and > bending double and in these cases Mag. phos. will often help. (Compare with Colocynth in colic, especially infantile colic, which has similar modalities. However with Colocynth the > pressure is more mar important factor is > heat )
Gallstone and Kidney colic may also be helped by high potencies if the symptoms agree. Consider for cramps, Writers cramp, Foot cramps, Cramps of pregnancy, Cramps from walking. (Arnica works through the muscles whilst Ma elbow. Hiccups. Right sided trigeminal neuralgia (also belladonna).( Left sided will often respond to Spigela )
HEAD, NOSE AND THROAT Sharp, shooting pains in the head. General nervous twitchings of the face. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Stomach spasms with indigestion. BOWEL MOVEMENTS Abdominal pains with diarrhoea. HEART Spasms in the heart area. URINE Irregular micturition with spasmodic pain.
GENERAL Trembling and shivering of the limbs with rheumatic pains and neuritic pains throughout the body, particularly sciatica. (also Rhus tox.) GENERAL USES This remedy is a great calmative and is very useful in cases muscular atrophy and wherever there are nerve pains or spasmodic conditions w potencies are the most useful, but higher potencies may be used if the modalities agree.

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